
Meet our Digital Student Ambassadors

Introducing our dynamic team of Digital Student Ambassadors, the enthusiastic faces dedicated to sharing their unique learning experiences with you. 

Each ambassador brings a distinct perspective and diverse background, offering a genuine glimpse into life as a student, and what makes UHI North, West and Hebrides a special place to learn and grow.

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Student Ambassador Claire Parisis on a beach holding shells

Claire Parisis

Hi, I’m Claire. I am a final-year Student Veterinary Nurse. I have been studying at UHI North, West and Hebrides since 2021.

I grew up in France on a farm; around horses, chickens, dogs, and cats. Animals have always been a big part of my life and since I was a child I knew I wanted to work with them. Having moved to Scotland in 2018, I first worked in a café to learn English and find my feet in a new country. 

In 2019, I took my first step in the veterinary world - my journey to become a Registered Veterinary Nurse had finally started. I first qualified as a Veterinary Care Assistant to then start my Veterinary Nurse studies with UHI. Studying in Block Release allows me to live in Edinburgh and to work in a small hospital in Haddington while studying in Thurso.

Besides studying and working I play the transverse flute and I am learning cello. On weekends you can see me in the outdoors where I can hike or swim and I will always have my binoculars and camera with me!

I am very excited to become a Digital Student Ambassador to promote the profession of Veterinary Nursing and to develop digital skills such as video editing or photography. I am very proud to be a UHI North, West and Hebrides student and I am looking forward to sharing my story.

Find out more about studying Veterinary Nursing at UHI North, West and Hebrides.


Graham Dorrance

I'm Graham, I'm in the third year of Creative Writing in the Highlands and Islands. I moved to South Uist after completing my HND, having struggled with keeping up with the course due to disability. UHI offering the opportunity to continue my study remotely and offering a subject that interested me offered me a return to education. Our creative writing course offers us an opportunity to learn about the specifics of writing from the perspective of someone in the North of Scotland. This involves a lot of the landscape surrounding us, our use of language, and the expectations of the publishing industry. The course offers a unique perspective by recognising the different experiences that come with being a writer in the Highlands and Islands.

Find out more about studying Creative Writing in the Highlands and Islands

Student Ambassador Graham Dorrance
Student Ambassador Tiandra Anderson

Tiandra Anderson

I'm Tiandra Anderson, currently in my third year of the Adventure Tourism Management degree in Fort William. Although I was born in the Scottish Borders, I moved to Alicante, Spain at a young age and spent most of my early years there. I moved to Fort William after completing a year-long college course on the Isle of Skye, where I decided to pursue my passion for outdoor adventure studies.

With a history of playing football in Spain, I've always been sporty, so discovering Mountain Biking was great! I've accomplished some pretty cool things in a relatively short period, including participating in races. I've been fortunate to secure a few sponsors and now compete in British and Scottish downhill races.

Find out more about studying Adventure Tourism Management at UHI North, West and Hebrides.


Abby Teague

Hello! My name is Abby and I am currently in my first year of studying at UHI on the Adventure Education course. I grew up in 2 busy cities - Los Angeles and Edinburgh so retreating to the Highlands to study has certainly been a contrast but one of the best decisions I have made nonetheless!

I absolutely adore studying here and making the most of what both the University and the Highlands of Scotland have to offer: from gorgeous scenery to explore and adventure around to fantastic teaching staff who really know what they are talking about.

I have always loved the outdoors and so that is why in summer 2023 I took on a job at an outdoors residential centre where I assisted many instructors on a variety of activities. During this time I realised that I would love to have a career in the outdoors field. I am forever grateful for my course at SOAS UHI which I know will help mould me into the best I can be in the sector

Find out more about studying with the School of Adventure Studies 

Abby Teague
Orla Rooney

Orla Rooney

My name is Orla Rooney I am a 3rd year student studying professional golf based in Dornoch. I am a keen golfer, enjoying my student experience and studies. My hobbies are golf, going to the gym and running went I am not doing the following I am spending time with my family and friend, watching football, getting my nails done or buying trainers.

I am 20 years old from Glasgow, so as you can imagine coming to Dornoch was very different from my usual city life. The change was fun; now living on the golf course, next to a beach and being to able to walk The Falls of Dornoch on half a day is not too bad. 

Find out more about studying Golf Management at UHI North, West and Hebrides. 


Katie Winton

Hiya I’m Katie. I am a second-year student studying Equine Business Management at the UHI North, West and Hebrides, Thurso Campus. I've always had a love for animals, particularly horses. I am currently doing the course online and visit Thurso for short blocks to horse ride. Kai (my little dog) also gets to come to college too!

I was diagnosed with Dyslexia when I was a teenager and always struggled with school. I never had the best grades or the motivation in school. I had no clue what my future was. Until I found the perfect course for me. I have never had better grades and I want to achieve at UHI.

I can only say positive things about UHI, and I want to share that.  UHI has something for everyone. I am excited to share the rest of my UHI experience. I hope more people like me can have the same UHI opportunities. 

Find out more about studying Equine Business Management

Katie Winton
Sam Francis

Sam Francis

Hi there, my name is Sam. I’m a first year Adventure Tourism Management student. Growing up in a Forces family meant I had a bit of a nomadic childhood – 6 schools and 4 countries later, I've got quite the story to tell! But no matter where I was, one thing remained constant: my love for the great outdoors.

In 2019, I decided to turn that passion into a career by undertaking an apprenticeship to become an Outdoor Activity Instructor. It was there that I realized just how fulfilling and exciting a life in the outdoors could be. Fast forward a bit, and after a brief hiatus from the sector, I knew I had to get back to what I loved. That's when I found myself at UHI, starting my Adventure Tourism Management journey in September 2023.

When I'm not studying or out exploring, you can bet you'll find me near water. Whether Stand Up Paddleboarding, Wild Swimming, or Kayaking, you name it, I'm there! Fort William is an absolute paradise for outdoor enthusiasts like me. With its stunning rivers, lochs, and coastline, there's always an adventure waiting just around the corner.

Find out more about studying with the School of Adventure Studies


Neil Barker

I’m Neil Barker, a proud (new) Siarach pursuing a BA Hons in Scottish History & Archaeology here at UHI NWH. At 61, I am a late returnee to academic life. What better place to study than an island so rich in archaeological sites and cultural history?

I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, which explained many of the challenges I faced with studying throughout my life.

My life revolves around sea swimming. My friend and I set up Hebridean Siarach Sea Swimmers, Hebrides Mountain Rescue, and the Isle Jog running group.

I’m married to Maggie, and we have a retriever named Angus, a cat named Patches, a feisty cockerel, and five hens.

After moving here in 2020, I discovered last year that I have family connections just down the road in Doune Carloway. Amazing!

Photography of student ambassador Neil Barker in front of some coastal scenery

Stephen Button

Hiya, I’m Stephen but mostly known as Steve!

I am a mature postgraduate research student working towards a PhD within the Centre for Recreation & Tourism Research (CRTR), based in Fort William. My project focuses on Recreation Conflict, examining the rise of e-Mountain Biking and how it impacts and interacts with traditional Mountain Biking and other outdoor recreation activities within the great outdoors of Scotland and the wider UK.

I feel so privileged to be studying at UHI NWH and I love the mountains, lochs, and the friendly culture that Scotland offers so dearly. Combining my long-held passion for cycling and outdoor recreation with my research project is a dream come true. I hope to work on similar projects as a full-time researcher, lecturer, or in a related role when I complete my studies in 2025.

My background prior to studying here includes earning both a degree and a master’s in Countryside Recreation Management and Innovation Entrepreneurship. This led me to various roles, including spells as a ranger, which I loved, a period of self-employment (cycling-related, of course), and some FE lecturing.

I have been fortunate enough to travel extensively overseas, with my favorite destinations being Alaska, Canada, and New Zealand. However, I mostly love the splendour and simplicity of the Scottish coasts, highlands, and islands, not forgetting the splendid Borders! The best places are generally closer to home, I find!

Currently, I live in North Lancashire, so I periodically commute up and down by bike and train, which gives me great pleasure and time to read. This fits in perfectly with the excellent remote programme and connections that UHI NWH provides for all its students!

Student ambassador Stephen Button