Centre administrator appointed for centres on Ardnamurchan peninsula

Karl Bungey has been appointed Centre Administrator for UHI North, West and Hebrides’ Strontian and Kilchoan centres.

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Karl Bungey, Centre Administrator for UHI North, West and Hebrides' Strontian and Kilchoan centres.

Karl’s appointment comes on the back of a survey launched by UHI North, West and Hebrides on learning needs locally and how its centres on the Ardnamurchan peninsula can best serve the needs of the community. 

Karl moved to Strontian with his family in 2016 to establish his outdoor adventure business, Otter Adventures. Before that, he worked in the outdoor adventure industry as an instructor, teacher, expedition leader, mentor, and lecturer. 

Speaking about his new role, Karl said: “Learning should not be limited to primary, secondary or people leaving school. I believe that we all have the capacity to return to education and learning at any point in life with the right support and encouragement in place.” 

The Strontian centre is based in the Àrainn Shuaineirt (The Sunart Centre),within Ardnamurchan High School.  

Karl added: “You’ll generally finding me in the Strontian centre on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, although I am really flexible. I’m happy to meet anyone who wants to have a chat about courses or training programmes available through UHI North, West and Hebrides, study support, or new learning opportunities we could be exploring.” 

Research by Kendra Turnbull, an Ardgour resident and Project Officer for the Centre for Recreation and Tourism at UHI North, West and Hebrides, is reaching its conclusion, with feedback from a public survey and drop-in sessions in Strontian, Kilchoan and online now being analysed. A survey for pupils at Adnamurchan High School is also live.