UHI North, West and Hebrides is one of ten academic partners and research centres that make up UHI. This unique partnership allows us to deliver further and higher education programmes at our 19 campuses and centres across the North and West Highlands, Skye and the Outer Hebrides. To support our work, we are recruiting for the following role:
To support our work we are recruiting to the following role:
Oidean-foghlaim Gàidhlig / Gaelic Language Instructors
Reference no. | NWH GLI 01 |
Salary range | £38,540 pro rata, a’ toirt a-steach Cuibhreann Eilean / Plus Islands Allowance |
Duration | Bidh luchd-obrach banca / Bank Staff |
Working hours | Sùbailte, ach tha feasgaran tric nas goireasaiche do dh’oileanaich / Flexible, but often learner availability maximised in evenings. |
Location | Steòrnabhagh agus air feadh nan Eilean Siar agus tìr-mòr / Variable – Stornoway and across other areas of the Islands, as required |
Closing Date | Diluain 20mh Faoilleach 2025 / Monday 20th January 2025 |
Dreuchd: Tha sinn airson sgioba de dh’oidean-foghlaim cànain fhastadh air feadh nan Eilean a bhiodh comasach air cùrsaichean goirid cànain (leithid SpeakGaelic agus Ulpan) a lìbhrigeadh as leth na colaiste. Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun phasgan cùrsaichean, faic: https://www.nwh.uhi.ac.uk/en/study/leisure-and-short-courses/gaelic/
Dleastanasan: Thèid iarraidh air na h-oidean-foghlaim geàrr-ùine seo Gàidhlig a theagasg do bhuidhnean luchd-ionnsachaidh air feadh nan Eilean. Bithear a’ sùileachadh gum bi oidean-foghlaim comasach air clasaichean coimhearsnachd a ruith, oileanaich a chlàradh, agus clàran-frithealaidh a chumail. Aig deireadh gach cùrsa, stiùiridh oidean-foghlaim oileanaich a chum chothroman ionnsachaidh eile, agus tillidh iad na clàran-frithealaidh gu UHI TIIG.
Teisteanasan, Eòlas agus Sgilean: Bu chòir teisteanas HNC aig a’ char as lugha a bhith aig oidean-foghlaim agus bhiodh e feumail nam biodh an teisteanas sin ann an Gàidhlig. Bhiodh e cuideachd feumail nam biodh eòlas aca air Gàidhlig a theagasg ann an sgoil, no àrainn FA no FÀÌ. Dh’fhaodadh gum freagradh an dreuchd air luchd-ceumnachaidh ùra a tha ag iarraidh an comasan teagasg a leasachadh.
Feumaidh oidean-foghlaim a bhith fileanta sa Ghàidhlig agus bhiodh e na bhuannachd nam biodh eòlas aca air teagasg no oideachadh, no a bhith ag amas air an leithid mar dhreuchd.
Tagradh: Airson fiosrachadh slàn mun dreuchd agus foirm tagraidh, luchdaich a-nuas na formaichean no cuir post-d gu recruitment.nwh@uhi.ac.uk
Position: We are seeking to recruit language teaching Instructors across the islands who can be called upon as and when our language courses (e.g. Speak Gaelic, ULPAN...etc) are scheduled to be delivered. For more information on our short course portfolio see: https://www.nwh.uhi.ac.uk/en/study/leisure-and-short-courses/gaelic/
Responsibilities: Our bank staff will be called upon to deliver language Instruction to groups of language learners across the islands. Our bank staff will be expected to run languages classes in their community, enroll students, take registers of attendance, and monitor progression through the taught elements of our language courses. At the conclusion of the courses bank staff will advise learners of further language learning opportunities and return registers to the Registry team at UHI North, West and Hebrides.
Qualifications, Experience and Skills: The post holder will hold a minimum qualification of HNC, preferably in Gaelic. A degree qualification is desirable. Experience of providing high quality Gaelic language tutoring in a school, FE or HE environment would be beneficial to the role. This activity might also suit graduates seeking to develop their teaching skills.
Gaelic bank staff will all need to be fully fluent in the language and ideally have some experience of teaching and tutoring or be seeking to develop a career in this area.
To Apply: For a full job description and an application form, download the pack or email recruitment.nwh@uhi.ac.uk
If you have any queries about the application process please contact recruitment.nwh@uhi.ac.uk.