UHI North, West and Hebrides is one of ten academic partners and research centres that make up UHI. This unique partnership allows us to deliver further and higher education programmes at our 19 campuses and centres across the North and West Highlands, Skye and the Outer Hebrides. To support our work, we are recruiting for the following role:

To support our work we are recruiting to the following role:

Gaelic Short Course Coordinator Co-òrdanaiche Chùrsaichean Goirid

Reference no.NWH SCC 01
Salary range £28,453 - £29,753 per annum, pro rata
DurationFixed Term for 12 months 14 uair a thìde san t-seachdain, Ùine-suidhichte 1 bhliadhna
Working hours14 hours per week
LocationStornoway Steòrnabhagh
Closing Date9am, Monday 17th February 2025

Position: We are seeking a short-course coordinator for our Gaelic language courses to be based at our Stornoway campus. For more information on our short course portfolio link here: https://www.nwh.uhi.ac.uk/en/study/leisure-and-short-courses/gaelic/

Responsibilities: The post holder will provide a professional and high-quality administrative service to support the teaching team and new and existing learners. You will provide advice and support to applicants throughout the application and enrolment process. You will be the main point of contact for enquiries and maintain accurate records of all short course activities. When required you will be able to produce statistical reports using UHI reporting tools.

Qualifications, Experience and Skills: The suitable candidate will be fluent in both Gaelic and English. You should have previous experience of working as part of a team and have excellent communication, IT and organisation skills. A high level of attention to detail is essential for this role.

Applicants should be educated to HND or above in Gaelic or a relevant subject area.

To Apply: For a full job description and an application form, download the pack at below or email recruitment.nwh@uhi.ac.uk

Dreuchd: Thathar a’ sireadh co-òrdanaiche chùrsaichean goirid Gàidhlig.  Bidh an dreuchd stèidhichte ann an campas Steòrnabhaigh.  Gheibhear tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu na cùrsaichean goirid againn an seo:


Dleastanasan: Bidh an tagraiche a’ toirt taic rianachail agus innleachdail don sgioba teagaisg agus do luchd-ionnsachaidh.  Bheir thu seachad comhairle agus taic do thagraichean tron t-siostam clàraidh.  Bidh thu nad phrìomh neach-stiùiridh do thagraichean agus cumaidh tu smachd rianail air fiosrachadh co-cheangailte ris na cùrsaichean goirid. 

Teisteanasan, Eòlas agus Sgilean: Bidh an tagraiche soirbheachail fileanta ann am Beurla agus ann an Gàidhlig.  Bu chòir dhut a bhith eòlach air obair mar phàirt de sgioba agus bidh sgilean conaltraidh, IT agus rianachd fìor mhath agad.  Bidh sgilean sgrùdaidh mionaideach aig àrd ìre riatanach san dreuchd seo.

Bidh tagraichean air an oideachadh gu ìre HND aig a’ char as lugha, ann an Gàidhlig no cuspair riatanach.

Tagradh: Airson fiosrachadh slàn mun dreuchd agus foirm tagraidh, luchdaich a-nuas na formaichean aig: Staff - Vacancies (uhi.ac.uk) no cuir post-d gu recruitment.nwh@uhi.ac.uk

If you have any queries about the application process please contact recruitment.nwh@uhi.ac.uk.