Our friends
Share your memories and stories about your time with us. Or tell us where you went on to study and work. If you have a message you'd like to add to this page please send it to events.whc@uhi.ac.uk and we'll be in touch.
We can't wait to hear from everyone.

Cheryl McIntyre - Rural Skills
I moved from Glasgow to Skye for the inaugural year of the Rural Skills Course. Fast forward 10 years later and I am now a part-time lecturer on that very course!
I have my own croft with sheep, cows, pigs, bees and polytunnel. Having no real background in crofting, the year-long course was ideal to give me the footing to learn the basics and meet a lot of the people I interact with all the time now.

Cheryl MacRae - Marketing Manager
Little did I know when starting out as the Office Assistant at Skye and Lochalsh Learning Centre Network in Plockton that I would end up as Marketing Manager.
Here was one of our first “open” days when we brought in the local nursery children to have a look around as part of our community engagement.
Interestingly, several of the children in this old photo grew up to tackle some of our School College Partnership courses. Happy days!

Nathania Douglas - Fashion and Textile Design
Studying at West Highland College UHI when I was 16 allowed me to progress onto amazing further education courses and to begin a career in something I am truly passionate about. I have now graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Fashion Design from Grays School of Art and am interning with a designer in Glasgow. The skills I was taught and the support that I was given was so beneficial to me as a teenager. It inspired and motivated me to take control of my future.
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